Digital Methods Research, Data Visualisation, Web design

The Trump effect on Climate Change

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Climate change is a topic that was vastly discussed through the years all around the world. The international discussion revolved around meetings and conferences, but in the last two years the figure of Donald Trump rose and questioned many of the last events revolving around climate change. While the Paris Agreement, an international accord with the aim to limit greenhouse gas emissions in the coming years, was being ratified and the 22nd Conference of Parties was being held in Morocco, Donald Trump, who said many times that he didn’t believe in climate change, was elected as president of the United States.

Did Donald Trump’s election had an impact on the discussion around the human causes on climate change and on the international debate about the topic?


  • Valeria Aufiero
  • Andrea Benedetti
  • Alessia Bissolotti
  • Simone Costagliola

Starting from 2016, the analysis was soon extended to the two previous years, 2015 and 2014, in order to better understand how the subject developed through time. For each year was considered the same trimester, the end of the election campaign, from September to November.

During the three years has changed not only the distribution of the subjects, but also the overall number of items related to the main seed. In particular, it highlights during each year the relationship between existing pages, new pages and erased pages. 2016 seems to have been a particularly important year for the political discussion around climate change, because many entries have been added within Wikipedia.